We’re better together

Groups connect us to a life-giving community that supports us through the challenges and victories of life. They encourage us to grow in our faith and provide our greatest opportunity to do exactly what Jesus invited us to do: love God and love our neighbors.

Find a group below

Challenge Me


    Ongoing/Various Locations/Thursdays at 7AM

    Join other men from Dayspring as we search for the best breakfast food in Tyler and discuss God’s Word! This group, led by Pastor Rusty McKee, also spends time talking about the challenges and victories of life and faith.

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    Tyler DSM Room/Tuesdays at 12PM.

    Join other men from Dayspring for lunch, fellowship, and discussion of a Right Now Media video study. Pitch in $10 to cover the cost of provided lunch.

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    Tyler Campus Lobby/Mondays at 8 a.m.

    Jump into the Bible with other women in this fun visual format: The Bible Project video and graphic book overviews. In addition to covering one book each week, we’ll spend time sharing how God is working in our lives right now… with plenty of coffee to get us going.

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    Tyler Campus/ every other week of every month/9:30-11:00 a.m.

    Thrive is for moms with children from newborn through elementary school. There are so many ways that the Lord uses other moms in our lives to encourage us, equip us, and help us grow closer to Him. Registration is required. Limited childcare is available.

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    Ongoing/FLINT Campus/Every other Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

    This women's bible study group meets every other Wed night in the Flint campus community room and will begin a study of James soon! No childcare provided.

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    Tyler Campus/ Every Wednesday at 11 a.m.

    If you are looking for a place to to connect and grow with other women, then join us for lunch, fellowship, and a time of digging deeper into God's Word. This Fall we'll begin by studying the book of Revelation in the New Testament.

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  • Ongoing/Various days, times & locations

    How is the amazing grace of God changing your heart, your life, and your relationship with other people? In a Community Group we regularly practice filtering every part of our lives through the lens of the gospel, strengthening our ability to see God at work all around us. If you are ready to be challenged to grow in your faith by walking alongside other believers who need you as much as you need them, join a Community Group near you!

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  • Every Sunday at 9:30AM/Flint Campus/No childcare

    Are you drawn to join fellow believers in prayer? Perhaps enhancing your spiritual life in this aspect is a goal for you. Living Stones convenes every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM in the Flint Community Room, dedicating time to the discipline of prayer.

    Sign up

Previous Classes

  • Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect.

  • Creating a Christian Faith Resolution—a heartfelt plan to deepen your relationship with the Lord and grow in faith throughout the coming year! It was on January 8 at 6 p.m.

Teach Me

  • This Spring, Pastor Rusty will be leading a course through the book Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In it, Bonhoeffer gives you practical suggestions for how you to live in Christian community with others. The 5-week course begins Wed, Jan 8 from 6-7:30 pm and will meet weekly to Feb 5. Childcare is available with registration.


  • IF:Table is a simple gathering of a small group of people to cultivate and nurture a thriving relationship with God and one another. 2 hours. 4 questions. 8 people.


  • Join Patricia Owen as she leads you through God's Word, helping you discern the Lord's will through scripture and prayer.


  • Do you want to learn to pray like Jesus? Join us as we learn to do just that in reading and studying, "Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools." A book that invites readers to trade their conceptions and misconceptions about prayer for prayer in its purest form: a vital, sustaining, powerful connection with God that is more real and alive than they could have ever imagined - just like Jesus!


  • Join retired Methodist minister, Rev. Meg Taylor as she guides us through "TRUTH & WISDOM" ~ God's gifts for those who seek Him with their whole hearts!

    In our culture today, God’s truths revealed in both the Old and New Testaments, have often been relegated to being for a previous time. How do we find God’s truth for our own lives? Scripture is full of examples of how people searched for God’s truth. God’s truth brings the best permanent gift of all- His wisdom. Join our 3-week class for this adventure!


Want to go deeper?

  • Our prayer team spends time every week studying the Word and interceding through prayer for the needs of our congregation. Prayer Team is a group and a ministry.

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  • The Vine is a multi-session experience to discern God’s direction for your life, equip you with the spiritual tools you need to respond to God’s leadership and launch you into the future that God has prepared for you. Gather with 8-10 people from Dayspring twice a month and a team of teachers to deepen your understanding of our theological roots, Scripture, and practices that can bring you closer to God.

    Learn more

  • Pursue/Repeating, semester-long, peer discipleship commitment to determine, refine, and pursue your own spiritual growth goals with a team of 3-4 people who value transparency, accountability, and encouragement. Teams meet for two hours every other week and talk through a guided process to evaluate where they are now, how they want to grow spiritually, what goals they’ll set for themselves, and how they are progressing. If Pursue seems right for you, learn more.

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Start a group of your own

Do you already have a group of friends that are ready to explore Scripture and encourage each other in your faith?

Let us help you get started.

We’ll meet with the group, cast the vision, and provide some ideas for study and/or other spiritual discipline options


Whether you find yourself stepping into the unfamiliar territory of being an empty nester and are unsure of what to do, grappling with grief and seeking support, or feeling perplexed about navigating the challenges of parenting teens and tweens—or anything in between—there's a stage-of-life event tailored just for you!

Stage of Life events occur monthly for different age groups and special populations.

Sign up to stay informed about upcoming events tailored to your specific stage of life!


Staci Spencer-Roth
Next Steps Director

View Bio